Picture of Tomtomleslie.ca
Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Thursday, December 07, 2000
Cloudy, foggy day here in Seattle. I hope my plane isn't delayed. It's my second-last trip home for the year, and I'm feeling under the weather (cold, achy head, sinus congestion) so I'd rather not spend a lot of time at SEA-TAC. Plus, if the plane is late I'll miss my connection at Vancouver and won't get home to Toronto until midnight at the earliest.

Inter-time zone commutes suck.

Last weekend the whole team went up to Whistler. The weather was great, and it dumped snow on the mountain the day we were driving up, so we had a terrific time. I rediscovered muscles in my calves and thighs, and learned that I really need more lessons. Clearly, the one I took last March (how to turn on the bumps) didn't stick.

My home page still isn't up, but hopefully I'll get it running tomorrow and this blog will start going live! Very exciting...

Code id by dose. Bzuh.

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