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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, February 20, 2001
As a farewell and an appeal to come back, Seattle has offered up some wonderful weather this week. It is sunny and bright outside, and "the mountain" (Mount Ranier) is clearly visible to the south, towering over the Cascades. I'm wrapping up work on a complex (for me, anyway) Flash tutorial, and trying to clear my desk so I can come back to Toronto with a clear conscience.

A fun social week, too: had a nice dinner with Ivy and Jeremy at Spazzo Mediterranean Grill yesterday, lunch with Bruce Nelson and Craig Planetz at the Bellevue Athletic Club today, dinner with the whole team at Daniel's Broiler tonight. Tomorrow I'm going for a spin at 3500 feet with Rob Kryzak, and will try and get some good photos of the area from the air.

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