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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, March 25, 2001
Sunday morning. Kelly's off rehearsing for her church service (where I will be going in a few minutes), and Paul's at work. Crazy guy worked all day yesterday, too.

Tosca at the NYC Opera last night: a good production, not in the definitive-performance category of the Met, but at the kind of level the Canadian Opera Company achieves most of the time. Well sung, well played, simple but effective sets (fascist 30's Italy as the theme) and very enjoyable. It capped a day in which Kelly and I wandered around MoMA and trekked over to a Barnes and Noble to raid their collections and kill a couple of hours. We then had a very frustrating time waiting to be seated for dinner--the restaurant rudely said they wouldn't seat us until the third member of our party arrived, although we said we would order for him--and we eventually bailed out and went next door. (The rude maitre d' showed up next door, as if in search of us, but no confrontation ensued... more of a surreal moment, though.)

I got back and switched on the cell phone and had a terse but effective e-mail message waiting for me from Dave: 'u left cat in closet cat now out and fine check corners on return! cheers dave and robyn'. The silly cat seems to have decided that it's a game to try and sneak into the closet when I'm not looking, which has now TWICE resulted in her getting trapped inside and unable to get to her dinner (or, and I'm trying not to think about this part too much, her litter box... ew.) I spent the last 15 minutes before I had to leave for the airport searching for her all over the apartment, without success, including looking in the closets... I guess she'd dug her way under some things so I couldn't see her. Irritating animal.

Last note: beautiful sunny day here, but it looks ccccold. Apparently Toronto had snow yesterday morning, so I'm happy to be here!

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