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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Thursday, July 19, 2001
IPO day. The webcast live from New York has transmission and bandwidth difficulties and didn't come up when promised at 9:15 this morning. Result: we switched over to CNBC and watched the ringing of the bell at 9:30 accompanied by some mystified commentators trying to figure out what the work 'Accenture' means. The stock priced near the upper end of the range, at $14.50, and seems to be climbing gently this morning, which is good news all around. No news at all on what, if anything, this means to us plebes, although there are definitely going to be some stocks granted at some point.

In the mean time, the FlexLeave saga continues. I'm now scheduled to start my leave at the beginning of October, and carry it through to the end of July 2002, to allow me to go on the Consort Caritatis tour of St. Petersburg and the Baltics. This means that I can finish my current role on the project, which should be quite interesting. I'm looking forward to a busy but rewarding couple of months of work, followed by ten (10!) months of leave.

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