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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Monday, August 20, 2001
After an unbelievably busy week at work last week I had a nice relaxing weekend. Saturday I played tennis with Dave and then gingerly went back to the weight room (last time I was in pain for a week) to try and get a routine started. Saturday evening Molly cooked for the Usual Suspects -- pork medallions, baby lemon potatoes, and yummy pasta salad, followed by a baked berry dessert, all extremely delish. Sunday the trip crew met up at Loblaws and we bought and packed most of the food (all of the non-perishables) for the trip next week. Then I went home and went back to trying to finish $%^& Starcraft (I'm on board 6 of the final Zerg boards in the expansion set, and it's Really Hard). After an evening game with Dave we went for a jog, my longest yet: up University Ave to Harbord, across to Bathurst, down to Front Street, back to Simcoe, and home. Took about 40 minutes, I think... (I wasn't watching the clock. It FELT like an hour and a half!) Dave dragged me through the last 15 as I was (apparently) not breathing fast enough for most of the run, and therefore starving my muscles of energy. (That was his theory, anyway... All I know is that I felt like my batteries had run flat.)

After that relatively strenuous weekend I'm not feeling too back this morning, although my walk to work was a bit slower than normal. Still, I think the last month must be doing me some good; the first time we went for a jog (and it was about 2/3 that distance) I was in pain for a couple of days.

Kate is going to come to Ontario on Labour Day, but will be spending most of that week with friends. However, she might stay over for a couple of nights the following week, which will be really nice. Also, Mom & Dad are flying back into town on the 6th and will be staying overnight with me before taking their car back to Guelph. It's turned out to be really handy having wheels and I'll be sorry to see it go. Still cheaper to get taxis everywhere, of course.

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