Picture of Tomtomleslie.ca
Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Monday, February 04, 2002
I just set up a quick Daily Essentials list of bookmarks for me to visit. You've probably done this yourself. Here they are:

Arts & Letters Daily - ideas, criticism, debate This site was recommended by a friend a few days ago, and I went and had another look at it just now. Really excellent.

International Herald Tribune This was by far the best international paper I found to read while I was working in Asia. It culls from many other fine papers, has an American slant, but includes a lot of the European reaction that many US papers ignore.

Doonesbury's Daily Dose I check this one for the same reason that I like watching the West Wing. I guess I just enjoy U.S. politics more than Canadian politics -- a lot easier to tell the good guys from the bad guys!

Sherman's Lagoon Ok, this one's just a great comic strip. No other redeeming qualities.

Slashdot Some amusing banter and interesting techie news, although I have my personal filter level set pretty high when surfing this site.

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