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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Saturday, April 06, 2002
Note from Kelly
Saturday, April 6, 2002 11:30AM
Weather: Rainyish...but not pouring.
Location: Internet café near Plaza S. Ana, Madrid

We bade farewell to Tom in Barcelona last night and met Patrick at the train station, where we compared footsore stories and had a beer before boarding the night train to Madrid. We did, indeed, have couchette tickets for this trip...but mine was booked for an all-caballeros (that´s men!) car. Who knew? It looked like being a problem for a short while, until the conductor ascertained that none of the men in the car (Paul and Patrick included) minded my occupying a berth there. Thank goodness for that! I had visions of another night of perpetual motion upright in one of those second class coaches.

I slept the sleep of the exhausted - exercise will do that to you - and woke with very sore leg musles, as the funicular operator who let us hike down that staircase yesterday in Montserrat had predicted. We arrived in Madrid, booked sleepers to Compostela, had breakfast and much coffee, and saw Patrick off at the Sol subway station. Now for a rainy day spent in Madrid´s art galleries, dinner, and another night on the train. Tomorrow we´ll be pilgrims.

Bon voyage, Tom and Patrick!

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