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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Monday, July 08, 2002
Monday, July 8, 2002
Location: Manor Farm Bed & Breakfast, Sutton-upon-Dorwent, Yorkshire
Weather: Grey

Just a quick note to keep track of the passing time. Hopefully I'll have some time to come back and fill in some details. Let's see:

Saturday: a drive with Bruce, Stephanie and Brian from Edinburgh to Lindisfarne on the Holy Isle, and onward to a little B&B in downtown Durham, on the top of a hill with a nice garden and a view of the cathedral. Dinner in an Italian restaurant down by the river.

Sunday: Diem de deum, or something. Up to the cathedral for morning mass, then watching a falconry demonstration before a cafe lunch, then back to church for Evensong. An excellent Indian restaurant for dinner.

Today: driving to Ripon, looking around the church, then fixing a flat tire and buying a new replacement. Picnic lunch outside the entrance to the Fountains Abbey. Finally on to York for the B&B and a pub dinner.

Aphorisms of the day: "Don't drive on the curb." and "Get off the fucking moterway."

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