Hey, I just found Heather Hoffman's
web site! She started a blog in July. She and Gene have a baby girl of four months (God, the last 12 months have been productive) and are enjoying the daily mysteries of parenthood. Good times.
What else is new? Well, today's my baby sister's 31st birthday (Happy Birthday, Kate!), so for the next two months she's only one year younger than me. She's far, far away from me on Salt Spring Island in B.C., but I'm thinking of her. Wonder of wonders, I also actually thought of her enough on the weekend to get her present in the mail, which makes me maybe less of a bad brother than before. It's especially miraculous because I got a bit fried at work on Friday (now fully healed) and spent the whole weekend fretting over something that turns out not to have been a big deal at all.
Now back in Hartford, and the project progresses. On the plus side, I'm not going to have any trouble working any necessary overtime while I'm down here, because let me tell you there sure ain't much else to do in this town. (This is why I'm still in the office: the internet connection is my best form of entertainment here. Sad, innit?)
posted by Tom at 7:56 PM |
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