Well, what to say? I've had a wonderful, wonderful weekend with my new sweetie Anne Macdonald. She's amazing. I'm SO happy! Yesterday we had a great afternoon at High Park with Craig and Susan. I picked up a Frisbee and a soccer ball and we alternated tossing the 'bee (and sweating like mad, it was really hot) and lounging under a tree chugging water. Craig & Susan fed us pesto pasta for dinner and I went home to pack.
Yes, I'm back on the road. Before I even started work again last Thursday there were two projects fighting over me. The one that won is in Hartford, CT., where I am at the moment. They wanted me down here last week but my visa application materials didn't get to me until this morning and it was touch and go whether or not I would make it down here today at all. I waited in U.S. Immigration for a while, but fortunately the lineup wasn't too long and they were satisfied with my docs. I blazed through to the gate but actually had a few minutes to spare there before boarding started for my 12:45 flight. The little Dash 8 took just an hour and a half to get to Hartford, though the last few minutes were pretty bumpy (and apparently that's normal for the Hartford Airport, wheee). By 3pm I was downtown. Here, I'm going through masses of project materials trying to make sense of it all. I'll probably end up working late this evening, if only because the project lead has been over at the client site all day and I haven't had a chance to check in with him yet.
So, new beginnings all around. Oh, happy day!
posted by Tom at 5:31 PM |
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