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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Monday, November 25, 2002
A fun, but tiring weekend... Warning: probably not terribly interesting for the layperson, unless you care about the minutia of my life.

Friday night I went with Molly and Anne to see Poochwater, a fun little play about a guy with acute amnesia, in the tiny Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace. We had a great dinner at the Left Bank first, which left my bank balance a lot lower but my blood sugar level high.

Saturday morning my parents came around. My dad brought me a lovely set of Staunton chess pieces to go with my antique chess table. After a quick game of Hostage Chess (my dad's the inventor of this wonderful chess variant game, follow the link for the rules (and he won)) he went off to his conference at the university, mum went off Christmas shopping, and Anne and I drove up to her place so she could finish her raking and I could try and undo the damage my router seems to have caused to her email.

Saturday evening we got back together with my mum and had a pizza before mum went off to see Poochwater and I fired up the laptop to do some work.

On Sunday mum and I met Anne at church. Mum finds Calvin's services refreshingly brief, since the Presbyterians don't usually celebrate communion. (And here was me bemoaning the lack of opportunities to sing masses. I guess we have different priorities...) We had lunch at the usual sushi place around the corner from the church (Sushi Garden) and then went home, from where mum and dad set off back to Guelph and Anne and I cleaned up for guests. Susan, Craig, Erika and Brian came round to watch the Lord of the Rings and feast on ring-shaped snacks.

Sunday evening we went round to Molly's for the usual suspects dinner. She cooked a wonderful rice/chicken Persian dish, and a chocolate pistachio tarte for dessert. Yum...

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