Picture of Tomtomleslie.ca
Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Ok, there are times when one's audience speaks, and one has to listen. From the search engine records for my site: "why don t you mention any cats". Well... I have no idea, but clearly it's time to correct that. I've got a picture, but for some reason I'm having trouble uploading it today.

My cat HooverMy cat's name is Hoover. She's 11 years old, white with black markings, and has lovely soft magnetic fur with strong adhesive and weaving properties that floats gently through the air and then embeds itself in any form of cloth it encounters. She used to be really neurotic but has settled down quite a bit in her later years, and is generally now quite willing to come out and investigate any new people, particularly if they're the kind of people who know how to scratch a cat under the chin. She hates being picked up, but loves sitting on the newspaper (preferably on the bed) and being quietly companionable. She's pretty self-sufficient, but does get lonesome for human contact when I have to travel.

Other fine cats: Scottie, Anne's cat. Gabriel, Joyce's cat. Oliver, Robyn and Dave's cat. Molly's cat Runty. Paul and Kelly don't have a cat yet but will probably be getting on in the new year.

Not in the cat category, but my cousin Olga wanted her cat-sized dogs listed as well: Bagels and Bashti Boodle. Comments on Olga's pets names should be forwarded directly to her. Anyone else want their pet's picture posted? Send it to me!

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