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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Europa UniversalisUg, I'm all tired today. I had the best of intentions -- go home, do laundry, cook dinner, relax -- but got sucked back into Europa Universalis again. My new campaign's going much better than the last one. After stomping the Scots, I signed onto a war against Spain which the French were waging. I managed to capture the centre of trade at Flanders and hold it for about forty years before Dutch nationalism rose to the point that keeping it was untenable. Meanwhile I switched over to Protestantism and send streams of colonists to the east coast of the U.S., founding substantial colonies from the Carolinas up to Manhatten. While Flanders was filling my coffers I managed (after many, many frustrating checks) to get Hanover as a vassal, drastically improve my relations with Denmark, and trade maps with the Portugese who've already got trading posts in Indonesia. My next step is going to be exploring the Indian Ocean from my newest colony in South Africa, and trying to figure out how to weaken the French who've managed to conquer Flanders from the Dutch and are maintaining a half-million strong ground force. It's 1569, Elizabeth I is on the throne, and there's almost 200 game years of play to go. What a great game!

So... I had to stop playing at midnight and have something to eat before bed. So like I said, I'm all tired today.

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