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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, March 09, 2003
Anne and I had a nice day up in Midland & Penetanguishine yesterday with my parents. We were celebrating Mum's birthday with a nice day out cross-country skiing in Awenda park. We covered a lot of ground -- about as much as the two days of our previous ski weekend combined. 16km! We then had a great dinner out at the Riv Bistro in Midland, a very nice greek restaurant, and then Anne and I set off back to Toronto. It probably wasn't very wise, as we got caught in a major snowstorm. The roads were terrible, and we were crawling down the 400 at, maximum, 60 km/h. We weren't alone on the roads. As well as the other travellers, we passed several spin-outs, but with a small, low-traction car I wasn't about to play good Samaritan and get stuck. We made it back in about 4 hours instead of the two it took us to get up, but we made it down safely.

Today marks the first day for the Usual Suspects dinners restarting. It's been a good 6 weeks since our last dinner. It'll be great to see the gang.

Tuesday last week was the Shrove Tuesday party at Calvin. The smell of pancakes wafted down the road to Yonge Street and gave me a great appetite. But the best part of the evening was the entertainment: we had a series of choir members & others in the congregation perform a wonderful mix of comic solos, instrument numbers, and more serious Art pieces. I was part of a barbershop quintet backing up Karen in a piece from "the Music Man", which went way better in performance than in rehearsal. (Whew!)

Anne and I are both recovering from colds, and with another cold wintery day today we're both looking forward to spring. I've had a number of invites to go down to New York and visit people -- thanks, everyone! -- and we're going to plan a trip as soon as it warms up a bit!

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