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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, May 04, 2003
The weekend's winding to a close, but it's been an excellent one. The weather was gorgeous, not too hot, which was great as we ended up shifting stuff around most of the weekend. After church and lunch at the sushi place (Sushi Garden, off Yonge just north of St. Clair) Anne went off to meet her mom for an afternoon of shopping & chatting. I returned to her place, caught a quick nap on the sofa, and did a load of laundry. At 4:45 I picked up the local Autoshare car and went down to St. Patrick. I loaded it up with various things, including leftovers from last night's barbeque, my older computer, router, tuxedo, tennis rackets and more laundry. Then I scooted it up to Anne's again. Turns out I forgot my power bar at home, but fortunately Anne's dining room (now a storage room, basically -- we've got to find a place!) has a couple of power points so I was able to get the computer plugged in and running properly.

Now we've both got computers here, and I can use my laptop's wireless LAN card to surf in the living room. Life is good!

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