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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Monday, November 03, 2003
Another Hallowe'en come and gone. We went out for this one, and saw the 1920 black & white movie Nosferatu at the ROM, accompanied by live music courtesy of the Toronto Sinfonietta. We got there early and got great seats. Not the world's best movie, but it had a couple of creepy bits. Our favourite part, not creepy at all, was when Nosferatu got to Bremen and walked through the town carrying his own coffin! You'd have thought the guy could rustle up a couple of undead servants, or something...

We moved all my stuff out of storage into the new house on Saturday, and my muscles are still a bit stiff. But it was Good... We slept over in the house on Saturday night and walked to the local coffee shop on the way to choir Sunday morning. It's going to be just great. This week we're in packing mode -- Anne's apartment is full of boxes, mostly full -- and Saturday the movers are coming for Round 2.

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