Busy week, but we're continuing to see less of the house as a big pile of boxes, and more as a place to live. Oh yes, and there was a lot of work, too...
Tuesday I got flattened by a brief spell of the flu. I had a fever when I woke up in the morning and felt extremely woozy, so I stayed home, slept, and watched some TV. Anne picked up the Extended Edition of the Two Towers for me -- just out that day -- and we watched it that evening. Very good, though I have to admit I fell asleep for some of it.
By Wednesday I felt better enough to go back to work, which was good as there was lots to do. I felt successively better through the day.
Thursday night, Calvin choir recorded a few pieces for the CBC Choral Competition at St. Mary Magdalene's. (Steph decided that recording in a church without heat -- Calvin's boiler's been busted since September -- wouldn't work so well.) It was really weird to be back where I'd sung for ten years, but felt good to have the wonderful reverberating rich tone of the building again. Unfortunately it was a bit of a frustrating session as the tuning kept going flat. Very irritating. Still, we got through it and Steph sent an email raving about how well it went.
Yesterday was nothing but work, though Anne cooked a fabulous pork roast for dinner which was excellent. She's currently off having her hair done while I raked the leaves -- 5 big bags full and only halfway done -- and we're going shopping for blinds next. No rest for the wicked! Well, except Tuesday.
posted by Tom at 3:01 PM |
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