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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Thursday, November 04, 2004
This month marks ten years and six months since I started working for Accenture, an almost inconceivably long time. When I started I thought I would be with the company for two or three years, but in many ways the company has done an excellent job of providing a steady incremental stream of personal challenges and rewards that have kept me holding on for the next stage for over a decade. Indeed, the last few years have raised the possibility that the firm might be a home for me for the rest of my working days, as I approached the Associate Partner and Partner ranks. But it is not to be.

I gave my notice last week and will be leaving Accenture on November 19th. In the past few days I have had many very kind words with the people I have worked with, who without exception have been supportive and encouraging as I set out on, well, whatever comes next. I've had a lot of questions, understandably, about why I'm leaving. What it comes down to is this: the next steps in the path, to Associate Partner and Partner, both involve trading off more of what I enjoy -- building things and running teams -- for selling and client development, which I am frankly not all that good at. And at this stage, with two incomes at home and no kids, the extra money is not a motivator.

Even so, I am not at all confident that the decision to move without a firm place to move to lined up is a good one. I hope it's not hubris to think that I'll be able to find something to do, but of course it is a concern. Interesting times!

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