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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
We returned last night from a wonderful week in British Columbia. We stayed at my parents' new house in Langford, B.C., where they are close to Victoria but also practically back onto a provincial park. The weather was spectacular -- sunny, warm, but not humid at all -- and we made full use of the range of outdoor activities available: swimming almost every day, hiking, and kayaking. We also caught the Victoria Symphony's "Symphony Splash" event in the Inner Harbour of Victoria, had a very pricy Afternoon Tea at the Empress Hotel, and enjoyed an afternoon in the Royal B.C. Museum.

Then we flew home, where the heat and smog immediately sunk our spirits.

Anne is taking the rest of the week off work, but has a long list of household-related to-do items that she wants to cross off. I'm right back at work myself, though -- slightly jetlagged, but conscious -- and B.C. feels a long way away.

One of Anne's activities will be to go to Georgetown to pick up Scottie. The lucky cat has been enjoying hand-on-paw treatment from my parents-in-law for the last six weeks, and he's not going to be happy to come home. On the other hand, we will be very happy to see him. The house feels empty without a cat!

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