Guest Book |
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Friday, June 7th 2002 - 12:18:29 AM
Dear Bro, & Sisters in Christ, I believe we are all
members of the same body. With one Kingdome, and one King. Our King created us chose us, died for us and calls us a peculiar people, with Royal blood. Inheritors of the Kingdom. So regardless of our religious denominations. He has called us to Pray, love, and look out for one another. "You will know they are my people for the love they have toward one another." Having Yahshua and the Holy Spirit in your hart is what matters. Recently I have been called to active duty with the U.S.Army, I was out of the Army the last 5 years. As a result I know longer have a civilian job to return to when I am discharged. This does not bother me for whenever my country calls I'll answer. But I will ask that you pray for me. that yahovah will give me a leadership position. Please pray that Yahshua will anoint me, to be an example of the savior. known as a soldier in his name. and go as far as possible. Thank-you. HOWEVER THIS E-MAIL ! IS ABOUT SOMETHING MUCH MORE IMPORTANT. I need your individual and congregational help. The enemy has utilized all his resources to destroy my family. (And me) I was married to Julie we have three young children Jacob age 7, Olivia age 4, Robyn age 3. We're a Christian (jehovah) family, my wife works full time for the National Guard She had (is having) an Affair, stopped praying, and against my wishes got a divorce. I fasted I prayed and gave financially. The situation grew worse. Her mother moved in and told her what she was doing was right. (She's always wanted control of our children, this was her chance, her name is Tava,) (Jezebel spirit?) I had to move out. THE STORM GREW INTENSE everything in my life was spinning out of control as you can imagine. However I continued to tithe and gave all I could even giving away my Jeep to a ministry in Texas, that bring the good news to the Indians Deep in the MexicanJungle, people who have never heard about Jesus. During this time while Fasting I felt as though the lord told me to go after them, as King David did in the Old Testament, but as he did it in the Physical I needed to do it in the Spirit. (New Testament) The Enemy is strongly encamped about your family. You must War with the Body of Yahshua. Contact your Brethren(sisters) and ask them to join in Prayer and Fasting. Pray for the Reconciliation of your family and Marriage. The freedom of your Mother-in-law Tava. Agree and Pray Hosea 2:6 over Julie. So I'm asking you to Pray for Us FOR Reconciliation of my family other Families, The reconciliation of the Body, (My Military Job) PLEASE. Join me in any way you can PARTICULARLY that day! . We can cause Miracles in our World If we'll War together. May GOD Mightily bless you, and your Church/Ministry? Your Brother in Christ Michael T. Zanetti. P.O. Box 14765, Newportnews, VA 23608 Subject: SPIRITUAL WARFARE.zanettim@ / 2 chronicles 20/amos 2:6/psalm 31/proverbs 5:18-19.......... |