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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Wednesday, May 30, 2001
It's Wednesday, but it already feels like it *should* be Thursday. Several things to report:

First of all, Exultate business. The concert two weeks ago was a lot of fun, although the Wednesday night rehearsal at Christopher's turned out to be a Really Good Idea. The music programme--a bit of opera, a bit of Canadiana, a bit of P.D.Q. Bach, and a lot of quirky modern 'fun' pieces, was generally easier than Exultate's usual concert, but on only three rehearsals it still seemed plenty hard. The extra practice really helped. We had a record number of people (for this time of year), continuing the choir's steadily improving profile.

Exultate's 20-something fundraiser last Friday was also a big success. Although we were worried about attendance (not enough advance tickets sales) and we had bad luck with the weather (pouring rain) we ended up with a good crowd, and the event played out like clockwork. Hugh Lawrence did an amazing job as auctioneer, and we're pretty sure we managed to blow the doors off of last year's event's revenue, further improving the choir's bank balance.

In other business (work), I'm staring work on a project in the Toronto office, doing technical design for a portfolio management product. This is very likely to keep me busy in town all summer, even if none of the other proposals comes through. Good news! Not going to be fired yet. ;-)

I dropped off Mom & Dad at the airport yesterday. They're off to England for the summer. It seems like a long time since I was last in the airport, and in the context of last year's weekly trips it has been a long time. I'll be back there next week, however, as I have a brief workshop to attend in Chicago on mobile Commerce (PDA & cell phone banking, etc.) I'm looking forward to it. I might also be going to Amsterdam at the end of the month to teach a course in Internet Architectures, which would be a very useful way for me to start 'internalizing' what I know on the topic. I've never been to Amsterdam so I hope it works out...

Lastly, the weather today in Toronto is gorgeous but it's still cool. No complaints here...

Thursday, May 24, 2001
Bon voyage to Voyager... The show's finale was last night. On a 1-5 scale, I would put it at about a 3.5... Not the best Voyager episode ever, not even CLOSE to the best Star Trek episode ever, but entertaining and better than most of Voyager's episodes, and a good way to end the show, besides. Apparently they're gearing up to make a Voyager movie (which would be really weird, I mean, they just got rid of the show's premise,) and a new Star Trek show. But that's now show number 5! Surely enough is enough?!

In other Hollywood news, I saw Memento on the weekend, at Kelly's recommendation. I really liked it, but it wasn't at all what I expected. I knew something about it -- guy loses ability to make short-term memories, movie plays out backwards -- but hadn't mentally put it into the Usual-Lock-Stock-and-Two-Smoking-Suspects category where it belongs. This is not a movie for a light evening of escapist entertainment, but a surprising, off-balance mental gymnastics drama. Pretty good, in fact, although I have to agree with the New York Times columnist who called it ephemeral.

Tomorrow night is the Exultate Chamber Singers fun-draiser at the Arts and Letters Club on Elm Street. I hope to see y'all there!

Monday, May 21, 2001
Very busy couple of weeks. Work suddenly got very busy, with back-to-back 'fire drill' proposals for a couple of Toronto clients. With any luck, I'll get an assignment in Toronto and be here for the rest of the summer at least!

Tuesday, May 08, 2001
Tuesday... Dies Irae. Dress rehearsal tonight for the Exultate concert on Friday. Today I find out if last week's Wednesday night session at Christopher's helped or not.

It's raining today, but that's ok... It was quite hot all last week, and although it cooled down on the weekend it stayed sunny. The rain is a nice break for the grass and the flowers. Plus it sets us up for a nice weekend next weekend (we hope). This past weekend was a blast!

Friday I went to St. Thomas' to hear John Tuttle play a programme of Duruflé, which was amazing... He did the whole recital -- 1 1/2 hours of complex organ music -- from memory. Simply incredible.

Saturday I was rudely awakened early in the morning (8:45, but it's a Saturday, dammit) by the upstairs neighbours who apparently decided that the crack of dawn (well, 8:45) is the appropriate time to fire up the ol' rotary band saw. This lasted for two hours, ruining a perfectly good opportunity to sleep in. At about 11am they finally tired of hammering and banging and (presumably) went to sleep, just after I gave up on the rest of mine and had trudged off to have a shower.

Saturday afternoon improved mightily. Dave and I biked down to St. Lawrence Market and picked up some HUGE steaks. Then we went home and played various games for the afternoon until the rest of the group--Molly and Michael, anyway, Patrick came later from work--showed up. Then the grill went on, the steaks went on the grill, mushrooms were sautéd, green peppers were roasted, bread was toasted... yum. Summertime rules!

Sunday was equally fine. We did Palestrina's Missa Brevis at church, one of the best pieces of music ever composed IMHO. Sunday afternoon I messed around on the computers for a while (for a change, eh?). I had some difficulty removing Microsoft Office from my old PC (damn thing wouldn't UNINSTALL without the installation CD's, duh!) but eventually cleared it off (more room for games, yay!) Then I installed the Firearms mod for Half-life, which is a complicated team warfare mod, lots of fun. Pete and Dave came round and we played some WWII Fighters and the rest of the weekend wound down in like fashion.

Stuff to do: finish packaging my tax organizer to go to Arthur Andersen so they can file my U.S. taxes for me, call the cabinet maker who was supposed to be working on my kitchen design, figure out my schedule for the next couple of weeks, and get more sleep and exercise... As always!

Thursday, May 03, 2001
Last night Julia and I went up to Christopher's for dinner and some extra-curricular rehearsal time for the Exultate concert next week. As usual, the choir is a bit unprepared for this concert. We've only had one rehearsal on some of the music, and we've only got the dress rehearsal left before the concert itself. The music is mostly straightforward, but there are some surprising bits; as the programme is almost all supposed to be funny, we'd really like the audience to see expressions other than raw terror on our faces as we sing.

True to form, Christopher served a great meal, along with beer, wine and 'bog'. We managed to make it through all of the music, and sang every note correctly at least once. (Not necessarily all in the same run through, of course.) Our duty done, we retired to discuss... well, we basically talked about me and my relationships (and current lack thereof) with a distinctly psychoanalytical bent. We concluded (well, put the conversation on pause, anyway) at about midnight and as I'd been up late both Monday and Tuesday night I was, accordingly, very tired when I got home. As a result of this fatigue (and the 'bog') I managed to bang my head on the cupboard door (tidying up the kitchen -- Thursday my cleaning lady comes 'round) and am now sporting a little red scar.

The things I suffer for my music...