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Tom Leslie
Toronto, Canada

Monday, May 24, 2004
The spring is moving by very quickly. It seems that every work day is sunny and warm, but every weekend or holiday is rainy. We had a year like this a couple of years ago... Very distressing. Hopefully it will turn around in time for the wedding!

Which is coming along nicely, thank you very much. We've mostly figured out the honeymoon thing, and Anne's done a great job writing up the ceremony text today. The outfit issue is resolved -- I think -- and we have flowers and food lined up. There are several more things to be arranged, but there's still no panic. Less than four weeks to go!

Not much else new to report... We tried planting grass in our back yard, which the birds ate. We also tried putting out bird seed, which the squirrels ate. Maybe we should put out squirrel food...