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Guest columnist, my wife Anne Macdonald!
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Lobster Bisque (adapted from Gourmet magazine - and made quite a bit easier, I think): 2 whole cooked lobsters (if you can stand to cook 'em live, that is also fine.....probably you get even more lobster "essence" that way) 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, sliced a couple of large garlic cloves, sliced 1 carrot, sliced 1 stalk celery, sliced 2 large bay leaves 1 cup medium sherry (recipe called for 1/2 cup sherry and 1/2 cup brandy, but I didn't have any brandy in the house - the 100% sherry gave the soup a really nice sweet aftertaste.....but by all means, try it with brandy and let me know) handful of chopped fresh tarragon bunch of fresh thyme ground black peppercorns 8 cups clamato juice (if you live outside Canada, this might not be available - try mixing a 50/50 solution of tomato juice and canned clam juice) 1 cup 18% table cream cornstarch (adjust to desired thickness) Bust up the lobsters and extract the meat; reserve meat in a bowl. Break the shells into smallish chunks (NB, I didn't use the heads - too icky) and put in a large pot with olive oil. Brown the shells on medium-high heat for about 10 minutes, then add onion, celery, garlic, carrot, herbs, pepper and bay leaves. Continue cooking for a few minutes longer. Add sherry and continue cooking until almost all liquid evaporates (about 10 minutes - the smell in your kitchen will be absolutely amazing at this point.....try not to get too distracted from the task at hand). Add clamato juice. Simmer for at least 1 hour. Strain the soup to remove all solids. Add cream and cornstarch, cooking over medium heat until desired thickness is attained. Just before serving, add lobster meat. YUM. Monday, April 21, 2003
OK, well.....the weather has finally improved! And yet they say it will snow tomorrow! Bleah!! It does actually finally feel like spring (in case you hadn't heard, Wiarton Willie issued a formal apology a few weeks ago) and having just realized that I haven't posted anything for a while, I thought I should do so today. Tom and I have had a rather busy couple of weeks. We visited his parents in Guelph last weekend (although I wasn't much fun to be around as I had a nasty cold), went to our last opera of the season, An Italian Girl in Algiers (very, VERY silly -- quite a few people in the audience walked out, but I guess we were in a silly mood, because we rather enjoyed it), and sang quite a bit for Easter services at Calvin. I cooked a rather fabulous lobster bisque for Susan & Craig's annual Easter brunch yesterday......I will provide the recipe at a later date, but it's a definite keeper (for special occasions only -- it's very expensive!!). Oh, and - I scored 503 in a Scrabble game against Tom. An all-time high score for me, making me think it's really time to join the big leagues. I've been meaning to get to the professional Scrabble tournaments for a while now. I really have to get out there! A couple of highlights of the big 503 game: zoaea, quindars, shrined......and there was another big bingo that I can't recall at the moment. Other than that, it's been busy at work (especially for Tom). I was invited with a group of colleagues to a BOX at a Leafs' playoff game last week. It was alot of fun (and well catered, too). The game itself was quite exciting, but a bit frustrating. It went to 3 O/T and then the Leafs finally succumbed. Game 6 tonight -- hopefully they can keep it together....Go Leafs Go! Friday, April 04, 2003
Monday, March 31, 2003
A nice weekend was had by all, unless you count clothes moths. They are close to eradication, but it has been quite a job. Tom's place looks a bit like a tornado struck it at the moment, as we emptied all his closets this weekend to prep for the bug-spray people. Hopefully this week will see the end of them once and for all! We went to Madama Butterfly on Friday night, and it was a lovely production. It is - to be honest - not one of my all-time favourites, but the performances, particularly that of Butterfly herself, were stellar. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. The cats are well and I was inspired (by a humorous e-mail sent by Tom earlier today) to compose a couple of Haiku in their honour: Pointy orange fiend Lurks underneath the sofa Your limbs are not safe and....... Empress of white fur Shares her fur with all around Ooh....look! Black fabric! Monday, March 24, 2003
If you've got something to say about cryptic crosswords - most notably, the Saturday Globe cryptic - have a look at Crisp Scot Word Cry, our new (and probably far too specialized) public forum. A perfect place to complain about poor clues and/or non-words. Cat Update: They are now both occupying all the same square footage, eating from the same dishes and occasionally even sharing the foot of the bed. Once or twice I have observed downright friendly behaviour. Cute photos to follow. In other news, I have finally figured out how to win at Civilization 3 (computer game that Tom has got me hooked on). I am playing as Persia and on the weekend successfully knocked the socks off of Russia. Not terribly historically accurate (or otherwise), but loads of fun. Tuesday, March 18, 2003
Also forgot to note that the cats are doing fine - Hoover is clearly the dominant one and occasionally exerts her authority through cautionary hissing, but so far the experiment is a success.
It's the morning of my birthday, and I must take a moment to thank everyone for their kind wishes! I am truly blessed - with two wonderful families, great friends and my dear Tom, who makes every day special. This past year has been one of great personal change for me, and I am happier than I have ever been. Who could ask for more! For my birthday, Tom has arranged for my piano to be tuned and repaired (and thanks to Tom's parents for the piano string!), which will hopefully rectify years of neglect. I've been additionally spoiled with a beautiful necklace made by a Montreal artist, Jean-Yves Nantel, as well as some very fine Odd Todd coff-ay mugs (see home page for link to Odd Todd.........quickly becoming the mascot of Calvin Choir, I think). We had a fabulous birthday dim sum with friends on Sunday afternoon, and this evening we'll be having dinner at the Bellevue Diner, which, in addition to being a wonderful restaurant, has great sentimental appeal for the two of us. And, on top of all the other good stuff, the weather's nice and I'm wearing new shoes! Woo Hoo! Saturday, March 15, 2003
It's a beautiful Saturday morning - early afternoon, actually - and about 5 degrees outside, which is pretty nice compared to the minus 20s we've had recently. I could share a recipe for blueberry pancakes with you (which I cooked up this morning), but perhaps that's overkill, given the previous two posts. There's not much else to report except that work is busy, life is good and Tom and I will be undertaking a CAT experiment this afternoon.......Scottie and Hoover will be meeting for the first time. We will put a locked French door in between the two of them, mind you. Let the howling begin. This experiment is necessitated by the clothes moth situation at Tom's place (see home page). The spraying will happen early next week and we need to relocate Hoover temporarily. Hopefully she won't be too traumatized by the whole thing. Other than that, in a few short days I'll be ending my 36th year and proceeding cautiously into my 37th. Or, as someone once put it: I'm celebrating the 8th anniversary of my 29th birthday. ;-) |