It's Saturday, the best-est day of the week. Slept in, did the crossword (tricky one this week, but we cracked it in the end), and had a very high scoring game of Scrabble with Anne. (She won 353 to 337.)

Last night we went to see the new James Bond movie,
Die Another Day. It was basically good -- I particularly liked the bad guy -- but had a couple of truly atrocious special effect scenes. Now, c'mon guys. This is the 21st century. Special effects are not supposed to look fake any more, even when they are! Anyway, Halle Berry did a nice job, the plot was middling, and basically it didn't suck as much as it might of. I guess that's an endorsement.
Other than that, Anne and I are gearing up for our trip to England. We leave on Thursday and will be doing the family thing for about a week. Merry Christmas to everyone!
posted by Tom at 3:24 PM |
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